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High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Radiation Detectors

High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Radiation Detector Categories

ORTEC offers a wide range of HPGe radiation detector solutions covering energies for X-rays in the range of a few hundred electron volts (eV) up to gamma rays in the range of 10 MeV and above._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_These detectors are manufactured with high purity germanium (HPGe) types P and N. All detectors in these two classes are cryogenically cooled, using liquid nitrogen or electromechanical coolers.


How to choose the right HPGe radiation detector for your application

Choosing the correct detector for your specific application involves many criteria. No table or graph can uniquely specify a detector for a particular measurement. The range graph of energy above and the key attributes table below should provide a great start to making the right choice. You can click on the detector type link in the table below for more details on that detector specific.

ORTEC also has several unique detectors that are application specific, as well as the ability to design and manufacture custom detectors. Select the links below for more details.



      FWHM Resolution (in keV) @ Specified Energy FWHM Resolution (in keV) @ Specified Energy FWHM Resolution (in keV) @ Specified Energy
detector series
Geometry typical count
relative efficiency range
5.9keV 122keV 1332keV
Gem Coax
point source
large surface fountain
Marinelli beaker

10-150 n/a 0.80-1.30 1.75-2.30
Profile C
P-type coax
point source
large surface fountain
Marinelli beaker

20-175 0.73-1.23 0.85-1.30 1.80-2.30
P-type coax
point source
large surface fountain
20-175 n/a 0.88-1.30 1.80-2.20
semi-flat type P
point source
large surface fountain
7-65 0.35-0.50 0.65-0.70 1.80-1.90
SP profile
semi-flat type P
point source
large surface fountain
7-50 0.30-0.43 0.59-0.63 1.80-1.90
Type P semi-flat
point source
large surface fountain
7-60 n/a 0.65-0.85 1.80-2.10

Coaxial type N GMX
point source
large surface fountain
Marinelli beaker
neutron background

10-100 0.60-1.20 n/a 1.80-2.5

P-type plane GLP
point source
small surface area font

n/a 0.17-0.39 0.48-0.60 n/a
P-type reverse coax GWL
small volume source
inside the well
active volume
(15%-100% rel.eff.)

n/a 1.20-1.40 2.10-2.30


Application Most suitable detectors
Synchrotron Light Studies; Soft X-ray (Fusion) Investigation GLP
Large environmental samples with complex spectra GEM, GEM-F, GEM-M, GEM-C, GEM-S, (low background recommended)
Environmental samples in filter media, dishes or bottles GEM-F, GEM-C, GEM-S, GEM, GMX
Small environmental samples GWL (low background recommended)
High-Quality Fissile Materials/Safeguards SGD, SGD-GEM
Neutron Activation Analysis GMX (recommended PLUS option)
Post-accident follow-up GEM (recommended PLUS option)
Compton suppression gamma spectroscopy GMX
Maritime or air surveillance Micro-trans-SPEC, trans-SPEC-DX-100T, IDM-200-V
lung monitoring GEM-S, actinide-85
Measurements in the beam of or near fast neutron fields GMX (a special internal heater is recommended for in-situ neutron damage annealing)
residue test Micro-trans-SPEC, trans-SPEC-DX-100T, GEM, GMX, GEM-C, GEM-S, IDM-200-V
Cargo / Border Security Micro-Detective, Detective-EX, Detective-DX, Detective-200, IDM-200-P, IDM-200-V
In situ environmental spectroscopy Micro-trans-SPEC, trans-SPEC-DX-100T, GEM, GMX, GEM-C, GEM-S, IDM-200-V


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