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PalmSens4 - Potentiostat/Galvanostat/Impedance Analyzer

Our flagship instrument, the PalmSens4, is a battery and USB powered potentiostat, galvanostat, and optional Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA) for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS). The PalmSens4 has a wide potential range (-5 V to 5 V or -10 V to 10 V) and current range (100 pA to 10 mA) with high resolution and low noise level. The economical PalmSens4 is a complete laboratory instrument, but its compact and robust design makes it also ideal for field work. The connection through Bluetooth ensures a perfectly floating measurement.



PalmSens4 comes in different configurations:


  • ±5 V or ±10 V potential range
  • EIS/FRA with maximum frequency of 100 kHz or 1 MHz
  • bipotentiostat module optional for second WE
  • optional iR compensation
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