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EmStat Pico Core - Dual Channel Potentiostat Chip

The EmStat Pico Core is a high volume potentiostat chip for use with MethodSCRIPT ™ that allows you to perform electrochemical measurements using your own electrochemical sensor without programming knowledge._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_You can integrate this tiny 6 x 5mm dual-channel chip into your PCB without any technical knowledge of potentiostats thanks to the joint development of Analog Devices Inc and PalmSens. 


  • Dimensions: 5 x 6mm
  • Dual channel (2x WE, 2x RE, 2x CE)
  • EIS Frequency Range: 0.016 Hz to 200 kHz
  • Full range of DC potential: -1.7 V to +2 V
  • Current ranges: 100 nA to 5 mA
  • Four different versions available, each with different electrochemical techniques .
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