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Localized Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy VS-LEIS

VS-LEIS measures local impedance, phase angle, and currents by measuring AC response



  • Monitor the voltage of a sample and use a dual element probe to measure the local current, leading to the calculated local impedance 
  • Sweep frequency at fixed position or map area at fixed frequency
  • LEIS provides spatial resolution to all applications that benefit from EIS measurements
  • Wide measurement bandwidth and high measurement accuracy combine to benefit local State of Charge (SoC) measurements and coating failure analysis


Applications and Software


The VersaSTAT 3F applies an AC voltage to the sample emerged in the electrolyte. This "global" voltage generates AC current to flow at the electrode/electrolyte interface. Se places a dual element probe in solution near the surface of the sample. The electrometer measures a measure of the differential voltage between the two measuring elements as a measure of the local voltage drop in the solution.  This voltage drop exists in solution due to current flow from local reactions in the sample, electrolyte resistance, and spatial separation of dual measurement elements.


The VersaSCAN electrometer inputs its measured voltage to the auxiliary differential voltage input available with the VersaSTAT 3F.

Software integration converts the local voltage drop measured at the probe into local AC current.

The relationship between the local measured current and the global applied voltage gives the magnitude of the localized impedance and phase shift.

There are two different test methods for the LEIS experimenter to use to evaluate their samples: 

A) Plot the local response of a sample of a range of AC frequencies applied at a single location. The data can be viewed in a Bode or Nyquist plot.

B) Create a series of data maps to characterize an AC response as a function of probe position. The data can be used to create a map, using Magnitude or Phase as the response.


  • Localized EIS measurements providing spatially resolved substrate impedance analysis.

  • Capable of generating temporal resolution images when scheduled as a sequence.

  • Sweeps of one or several frequencies for a complete electrochemical characterization.

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