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VS-SDC Scanning Drop Cell

VS-SDC limits the local electrochemistry within a flowing droplet



  • SDC controls a flowing droplet on the surface of the sample. Users measure a subset of their sample using standard electrochemical methods
  • The flow of the drop ensures that there is no impingement of the reaction products.


Applications and Software


The Scanning Droplet System (SDC) uses a compact peristaltic pump to force the electrolyte through a small diameter tube and into a specifically designed header. This PTFE-based SDC header is machined to allow the electrolyte to flow through an installed reference electrode and then to a port in the base of the head.

When the head is placed close enough to the sample, a drop forms between the head and the sample. The tubing is also connected to a PTFE head outlet port._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_A second channel of the same peristaltic pump is then used to draw the electrolyte through an installed counter electrode and out of the system. SDC experiments can be configured to:


  • Apply a constant bias (potential, actual, or open (loop) and increment the head position creating a data map.
  • Apply a static or dynamic electrochemical signal, such as an EIS experiment, Tafel diagram, or cyclic voltammetry experiment while the head is held at a fixed location.


Since electrochemistry occurs at an electrode/electrolyte interface, only the part of the sample that is in contact with the drop is measured. This allows experiments to study a small area of a large sample , without clipping the sample and therefore limiting edge effects.

When running, the SDC pump creates a flowing droplet. The speed of the SDC pump can be adjusted to study different flow effects.


  • The SDC technique limits the electrochemical measurement to the small drop of electrolyte, defining the area of the electrode/electrolyte interface.
  • Samples can be investigated without cutting the sample or subjecting areas to different electrolyte exposure times.
  • Capable of running constant bias/sweep position plots for data maps and fixed position/dynamic signal plots for cyclic voltammetry, Tafel, EIS, etc.
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