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PSC3-OXY Portable Oxygen Analyzer

Barben Analytical's 4401OXY Analyzer optically measures oxygen using the quenched luminescence of an oxygen-specific luminophore. Provides a NEMA 4X rating and is suitable for hazardous areas (Class I, Division 2). BOS optical oxygen sensors are immune to typical O2 (H2S) poisons and interference (combustible, magnetic, CO2 and H2) with a fast response, high precision and long-term stability. Accurate measurements are achieved without the need for scrubbers or other advanced sample conditioning systems.


  • Portable Carry Case Option for 4401OXY Oxygen Analyzer
  • Measure natural gas samples to plot ppm levels in a matter of minutes.
  • Includes sample system with filtration and drain for wet gas measurements
  • Quick connection bulkhead inlet and outlet
  • LOD = 0.5 ppm O 2 gas phase
  • No membranes to get dirty; No electrolytes to poison; No consumption of O 2
  • Sin sensibilidad cruzada ni daño por: CO 2 , H 2 S, NH_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b ethanol or methanol
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